11.4.6 Restrictions on B.C. Student Financial Assistance Funding Eligibility

Restriction Categories

  1. Federal Restriction
  2. Provincial Restrictions
  3. SABC Restrictions
    1. Scholastic Standing

    2. H 700 effect restrictions — application holds - block all future disbursements

    3. ARCS - application cancel restriction - locks account when they cancel (oldschool mentality)

    4. Institution Related - Designation restriction - study breaks exceed limits

    5. Verification restriction - audit behaviours or redflags of the user account

      1. ex. graduated 6months ago but they say they are a dependant



      Apply for appeal → Decision → Findings Letter (Notice of findings that outlines the decision)

      Push to digital notice

      <aside> 💡 Opportunity: Create "Official Letters" that can be viewed in your message center


      • There may circumstances that allow SABC to go outside of policy to make an exception the restriction may be appealed.
      • If it is a black and white situation then the account will get denied

      Federal Appeals:

      • When federal restrictions are created they are brought into the current system
        • SFAS generates Notice of findings


      Next steps

      • [ ] Get restrictions list from Andrew
      • [ ] Read through Dana's work
      • [ ] See if the "themes/categories" make sense
      • [ ] come back reassess with Feature Owners
      • [ ] Figure out who will help categorize